Hdwetting.com – Please Hold Desperation
Added: October 5, 2019 | [post-views] Category: Peeing Inside this movie Sosha have to hold in more ways than one as she’s trying to wrap up a significant phone call and maintain control of her or his bladder.We have all been there- Something goes wrong with some service or utility which weve signed for. Perhaps you arent getting exactly what you paid for? Or perhaps they? No matter the situation, these situations often end in a call to the customer service department where you’re inclined to be put on hold and transferred to numerous representatives in an effort to solve the issue.It is this exact situation we find Sosha at at the start of this video. Sosha is currently on the telephone as we indulged in. It sounds like the dialogue has been happening for quite some time already as she is trying to sort out a billing issue. She is always being put on hold and moved to different representatives.As Sosha is addressing the situation on the telephone, another issue pops up that needs her attention- She wants to pee. We could see she badly wants to while attempting to sort out things on the phone. She is squirming and hauling herself.Ultimately, Sosha determines she doesnt want to hold any longer. There may be nothing about needing to hold on the telephone, she could do, but it is her choice if she wants to groom her bladder or never. That is something that she chooses that she doesnt need to do. Sitting on the telephone, still on the ground, she chooses to intentionally let go, shake her panties. We get to watch as her jeans develop visibly black with wetness and glisten as the spot spreads out.Once she is done peeing she stands up. We get a view of her soaking wet pants. As the video comes to a close she is still pants wet, on the phone, being requested to hold once again. |
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